Rotary Club of Foster

Market Roster – Sunday, January 24

Reminder – Final Market Roster
Sunday, January 24
 Road Signage Don N
Kevin F
 Gate 7 AM-9 AM Steve P
Geoff T
6 AM
Kevin F
Bill F
 Gate 9 AM-11 AM Ade R
Geoff W
Alan M
6:30 AM
Nev W
Lyn L
Max P
Kevin F
Neil N
Marilyn F
 Gate 11 AM-1 PM Richard J
David B
  Cleanup 1 PM – Lions have taken over responsibility for the cleanup.
 Train Les A
John R
Rod L
Rod C
David B
Liz H

Could members rostered for the first gate shift collect signs, table et cetera from the train.
The last shift to return them to the train carriage.